Friday, September 26, 2008

My thoughts

26th of september was the first day of new period.

It's in the Islamic calender the best day of the year

The rain was really nice, I took a big pleasure looking at it from my window.

I thought again about many things. About the world, people, about the poor children, about the sick ones.

I thought about the ones sleeping without food while I had thousand of plates to taste everyday.

and I thought also about the ones who don't sleep at all, Just because they are too hangry, because they are feelin cold and they don't have a house, they don't have enough clothes, or don't have fire.

I thought also about feelings and values; just like dignity, honesty, purity, friendship, help, truth, or simply Love

I stopped at the last one and asked myself many questions:

I asked myself why is the great lover always betrayed?

why is it hard to live without your loved ones?

why can't you love again once you get hurt?

and my biggest question is why can't we cure ourselves and stand up again?

It seems crazy but I feel day by day that the world is running after things that it can't get without love, Ignoring its purity makes all of us lost

May be living just to live, to get money, to build, to eat and to forget about the others

to forget about the poor, the sick, the sad, the depressed, the helpless ones.

My words today for all the world are a request for a clean pure life, for respect to the human values, for care and share
That's how we can make of this life, a better one.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

From life


How strange you are.

You are always changing, giving us new feelings, new experiences, new dreams, new hopes

and same time you bring new people, you take other loved ones.

Once done, you don't really forget the loved ones as you don't love the new coming ones

that's sure, the first time is never like the other ones.

The father is the man of ur life, all the others are men in your life

The first love is the voice of your heart, the others are people loving you who you can't trust.

the first pain you get is a lesson, the others are tests asking you: did you learn from the lesson.?

Realize that most of the time; you spend the half of ur life afraid of getting hurt and the other half hurting people

you may cry for not getting what you wanted from the first attempt forgetting that somewhere else some other poeple don't have anything to eat, no where to spend the night.. so Just be happy with what you have and never give up making efforts.

You will sure, succeed one day.

Just be sure that what you don't get quickly or what you loose doesn't mean that you are bad

it may simply mean that you deserve better or that being patient will bring you best things.

That's why, I keep on smiling

same you should do

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Again, I'm realizing new things in this world....It's strange but this time while realizing them, I didn't get the same feeling as I used to get before.
This time, I accept and convince myself on what's right and what's wrong.

I accept that what comes, comes because it was mine since the begining and I deserve it
but what goes has never been mine and I deserve better than it.

It's just like that exam that I failed many times, but finished by passing it when GOD decided so.

I'm realizing that the honesty is the only thing that lasts, even though few people use it nowadays.

the smiling face isnt always the nicest one, as my mom says; and she is right.
She was right also when she said that we never know someone without living with him his daily life. That's true.
During my trip, I met people I thougt were bad but I was really affected by their care and love
just like Miss Khadija, Said, Abdou and many other ones.
I missed others that I thought were my greatest friends who didnt need an occasion to betray my sincere friendship and care.

I still don't understand these people runining after happiness and sweet things in life without realizing that they are being nice for their benefit and then simply throw away friends and closest members throwing by that chances to be happy.

When I look back at all these things, I feel really proud; because I 've never betrayed, hurt or dessapointed anyone and this is my wealth.

That's me, and I will never be like anyone of you
Just because the one I am is a human one with a heart

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Children .

During the party, I met this small nice creature just too cute with her beautiful white dress
I couldn't keep this beauty for me
I took some pictures of her to share them with you.
Crazy it is how wonderful it is to have children and to see them growing up
my Allah protects all the children of the world....

A traditional weeding..........the last episode..

during the week of the party, the family of the girl goes to her house to arrange her room and put all her clothes in the right places.
finally, about one week after the weeding, the girl comes again to her parents house to spend the night . It's called ZIYARA = visit
before returning to her house, she has to wear a new dress(as in the pic) and to prepare a dinner and take it with her to the family in law.

**********The end**************
I wish that you enjoyed reading my small report of the weeding
Actually it looks really nice but for sure, I'll never get married like that
too big and too tiring

I tell you bye till the next article......


A traditional weeding..........the 7th episode..

The last day of the weeding.
the celebration takes place at the man's house in the afternoon where his wife (the bride) wears again all the clothes that she wore before in her parents' house in his house to show them to all his family and his guests
at the end, they exchange gifts: rings or swatches....
and then everyone leaves to his house.
right now, the girl starts a new life with her new family.

A traditional weeding..........the 6th episode..

A traditional food based on syrian bread with sugar and butter served obligatory during the evening of the second day of the weeding in the house of the man to the guests coming with the bride .

A traditional weeding..........the 6th episode..

The second day of the weeding, or the day of the white dress.


bridegroom comes to take the bride from the house of her parents to his house during the evening and he takes some of her closest family memebers

they all eat in his house. They also dance and listen to music before they bring the big cake and share it all starting by the two lovers.

Of course the mostimportant thing is the rings


you can see them in the last pic in her left hand; symbol of engagement and love.

A traditional weeding..........the 5th episode..

when the bride finishes wearing all hert clothes, the family of her husband comes to make HENNA on her hands, they bring candels and gifts,clothes, shoes,soaps, chocolates ... and two small pieces of money in gold that they put in her hand with the HENNA as u can see in this last picture.

A traditional weeding..........the 5th episode..

the first day of the weeding, in the house of the girl where she wears too many different clothes during the night...
people listen to music and dance, they take cakes as well and enjoy the nice talks

Monday, September 1, 2008

A traditional weeding..........the 4th episode..

the Day of the celebration.... as u can see it in the picture down ... some women come to spend the night in order to wake up early and cook
they have to prepare three different kinds of food to serve in the evening to the guests before the bride starts wearing her nice and pretty clothes showing them to all the girls who come to see her at her parents house... We call this day, the day of HENNA
after preparing the meal, the women start to come to the house,and eat in small groups then move from the middle to the house to the top of it, sit there listening to music till the bride comes.

A traditional weeding..........the 3rd episode..

D_1: during the evening the women_ the closest ones to the bride go to her house to do what we call HENNA
this brown thing on the hands
they all sit together, take tea, sing and put it on her hands and on the hands of the other single girls in order to be the next ones as they think.

A traditional weeding..........the second episode..

the food...yea ....the preparation of the cakes....the most important thing to serve the first day of the weeding during the eveninig to the women who come to the party... you give as well some coffee, tea and lemonade with them.

A traditional weeding..........the first episode..

At the begining of this summer, I was wondering what could be the special thing that I can do to make of these few days of holidays special ones.
the traditional weeding of the region called M'sila was the event of my summer
11/08/2008: departure ....ahh my God the luggage were more than people in the car
We left at 7h morning and reached the city after 4 hours in the car.