Thursday, October 13, 2011

I have met people…

I have met people…
I have met people whose worry is how many plates they will eat per day. Full bellies are essential
I have met people whose worry is how much they gain at the end of the month by making others work for them. Illegal Benefit is a testimony of cleverness.
I have met people whose worry is how to do to wake up early to have enough time to spend it in front of the mirror. Appearance matters.
I have met people who have equations in their lives with one variable: themselves. There is ego and then all the rest.
I have met people who want wealth, beauty, and fame at once. Perfection exists.
I have met people who make others pay for their mistakes. Making guilty justifies the failure.
I have met people who when they believe in something they spend three quarter of their life convincing you that impossible is nothing but when it’s your turn to have your believes, they would stand telling you nothing is possible. All opinions are governed by one mind.
I have met people who are in online mode when they are in need, and then once it’s done, they turn to offline. In “Friends for benefit” there’s still the word “friend”.
I have met people who think that when they harm you they succeed their goals. Jealousy is the first key of success ;)
Then I have met people who spend their time trying to block the process of life while life is going on. To grow, stop the growth of others.
If you are having a hard life because you do not share such invaluable values then BE HAPPY!
Your matter is not before and isn’t in. it’s for after…
Because only matters what God thinks

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