Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 VS 2011

I can imagine the number of articles you will across these days, talking about the New Year, the new resolutions, the end of a period and the beginning of another one. But what people don’t realize is that they are saying the same thing since their life started to be a little bit more complicated than hard day at the primary school waiting to get home to take a big cup of milk with pancakes.

At the end of each year, I read the same status on my friends’ profiles: “goodbye year X , welcome new year and hope things will be better”
I wonder if all these people know that change can’t be done by the beginning of another series of 12 months but with the motivation to act the way we want others to do.

This year I decided to be one of those people who can’t be total idiots for long, I decided to change my mind.
I decided not to write any resolution and live for couple of months with no basic aim in my personal life.

I decided to keep having my long walks, my loud monologs, my lonely life and above all: the few human kind values that I still have.
2010 ended in my agenda, but it didn’t end in my life.

It didn’t end because all what the humanity has been through is still remaining, and I am sure it will keep raping my memory till something new and permanent comes to occupy my thoughts 24H per day to learn how to get used to live with the moral pain of impurity or till I loose my memory and this case will be a little bit complicated because you will need to remind me who I am, something that no one can do.

I had to understand that not all those who supported me someday, do really respect me, and those who don’t respect others, they don’t respect themselves in real.
I don’t know what God is preparing for me but I am quite convinced that something completely unexpected is going to happen to me soon.
I am just so excited for it, to be able finally to prove that everything happens for a reason.

In this new year, I thank God for making me one of his servants and for being there to make things work the “right” way.

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